Gender Inequality During Covid-19

Covid-19 brings into fore gender inequality

It is a fact that any disease outbreak by and large affects women and men differently.And pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty,worse.For instance in the case of migrant workers are stranded in major parts of cities with least available facilities in India.This needs to be considered,given the different impacts surrounding detection and access to treatment for women and men.Women represent 70% of the health and social sector workforce globally.Hence their care and attention should be at higher priority.One more thing that special attention should be given to how their work environment may expose them to discrimination.They have all rights to thinking about their sexual and reproductive health and psychosocial needs as frontline health workers.Outbreak like Covid-19 was unpredicted and unprecedented.Its impact is unpredictable and Early signs are that the Covid-19 virus poses a greater direct health risk to men.older men are deaths are high because they have low level of immunity and existing co-morbidies at large.But this unprecedented pandemic is exposing the  exploiting inequalities of all kinds,including gender inequality as a burning issue.In the long term,its impact on women’s health, rights and freedoms could harm us all and can cripple next generation thought process.This virus has posed great risk to the softer-sex,Women are already suffering from the deadly impact of lockdowns and quarantines because they are most susceptible to contracting the virus.These restrictions are undoubtedly essential but they increase the risk of violence towards women trapped with abusive partners.Recent months have seen an alarming global surge in domestic violence in households.

Worrying points.

The largest support organisation in the UK reported a 700 per-cent increase in calls.Many government and civic authorities are working twenty-four cross seven to tackle this abrupt surge in the cases.At the same time,support services for women at risk face cuts and closures in this urgency.m.Every nation should take action by moving services online.The expansion of domestic violence shelters and designating them as essential should be a pre-requisite.And every country can increase support to frontline organisations.
The United Nations’ partnership with the EU,the Spotlight Initiative is working with governments in more than 25 countries on these and similar measures and stands ready to expand its support.The grim situation is this that the threat to women’s rights and freedoms posed by Covid-19 will go far beyond physical violence.If exigent measures are not taken then the society's thinking about women will be very unbecoming.The global economy has nosedived but the women are loosing their jobs.The unfair and unequal treatment of working women is prevalent across the globe.In most of the cases women live in very difficult situations,doing menial jobs and carrying the weight of their extended families.Such types of discrimination should be changed.It will be a watershed moment when the discriminations aginst women will change.

Covid-19 has made matter worse in this regard.For many women around the world a deep sense of discriminatory norms can ensconce in the hearts of people.The worrying point is that the women are disproportionately represented in poorly paid jobs without benefits like maternal leave and without facility of creches in work places.Mostly they work as domestic workers,casual labourers,street vendors,and in small-scale services like hairdressing etc.The International Labour Organisation estimates that nearly 200 million jobs will be lost in the next three months alone many of them in exactly these sectors.And just as they are losing their paid employment,many women face a huge increase in care work due to school closures,over-whelmed health systems, and the increased needs of older people.And let’s not forget the girls who have had their education cut short their future is in the dark.

Reports say that in some villages,school enrolment rates for teenage girls fell from 50 to 34 percent after the coronavirus pandemic,with lifelong implications for their well being and that of their communities and societies.Many men,too, are facing job losses and conflicting demands so they are feeling anxiety and in many cases these things become worst.

What lies ahead?

But even at the best of times, women do three times as much domestic work as men. That means they are more likely to be called on to look after children if businesses open while schools remain closed,delaying their return to the paid labour force. Entrenched inequality also means that while women make up seventy percent of healthcare workers,they are vastly outnumbered by men in healthcare management.Women comprise nearly 50% of population and comprise just one in every ten political leaders worldwide – which harms social fabric.We need women at the table when decisions are taken on this pandemic,to prevent worst-case scenarios like a second spike in infections, labour shortages, and even social unrest. Women in insecure jobs urgently need basic social protections,from health insurance to paid sick leave,childcare, income protection and unemployment benefits.Looking ahead, measures to stimulate the economy,like cash transfers, credits, loans and bailouts,must be targeted at women whether they are working full-time in the formal economy, las part-time or seasonal workers in the informal economy,or as entrepreneurs and business owners.The Covid-19 pandemic has made it clearer than ever that women’sbunpaid domestic labour is subsidising both public services and private profits.This work must be included in economic metrics and decision making.We will all gain from working arrangements that recognise people’s caring responsibilities,and from inclusive economic models that value work in the home.This pandemic is not only challenging global health systems,but our commitment to equality and human dignity. With women’s interests and rights front and centre,we can get through this pandemic faster,and build more equal and resilient,communities and societies that benefit everyone. 

Milan Tomic

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