The JAM(Jan-dhan Adhaar and Mobile) trinity is playing a significant role and giving a fillip to DBT(Direct Benefit Transfer) like PM Kisan ,MGNAREGA and UJJWALA yojana. Scaling-up and procurement of medical supplies should be done on a war-footing ,Govt. should pump-up relief packages for the stimulus of the economy and should take a slew of measures to boost economic activity in this hostile situation so that food security chain doesn't disturb because PDS (Public distribution system) is dependent upon three key areas like accessibility availability and affordability.Amid lockdown govt. should consider for gradually relaxing the lockdown on selected sectors like pharma,food processing and biotechnology ,the pandemic has come at time when our economy was already in distress and it was like beleaguered economy.Healthcare professionals are at the frontline and they are at the vangaurd of the fight against coronavirus,along with that they are most valuable and vulnerable this time around.At present the manufacturing and distribution system are overwhelmed a hitherto unprecedented demand and our hospitals are not equipped to accept a deluge like it.It's scary that there is a huge shortage of PPE(Personal Protective Equipment) like N95 masks in the hospital premises.
The FM Nirmala Sitharaman's announcement of free grains to ration card holders for three months, the government must use these foodgrains to immediately provide States without conditions, to help and to prevent hunger amongst those who are careless, We have enough material resources in our country. Districts like Bhilwara in Rajasthan, which is an emerging coronavirus hot-spot , have already improvised makeshift type private hospitals, resorts, schools and college hostels for dealing with this current epidemic. No life is more dispensable than the other, Authorities should consider this that there can be no social distancing without social security. Critically, to tide over from this crisis wemust reduce our inequalities and persevere in this together. An alreadyindividualistic tendency has beenreinforced by forced isolation. COVID19 will affect the producer andthe consumer with same effect.
The FM Nirmala Sitharaman's announcement of free grains to ration card holders for three months, the government must use these foodgrains to immediately provide States without conditions, to help and to prevent hunger amongst those who are careless, We have enough material resources in our country. Districts like Bhilwara in Rajasthan, which is an emerging coronavirus hot-spot , have already improvised makeshift type private hospitals, resorts, schools and college hostels for dealing with this current epidemic. No life is more dispensable than the other, Authorities should consider this that there can be no social distancing without social security. Critically, to tide over from this crisis wemust reduce our inequalities and persevere in this together. An alreadyindividualistic tendency has beenreinforced by forced isolation. COVID19 will affect the producer andthe consumer with same effect.
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