Terror Attacks in war-ravaged country

Terror Strike in Kabul,Afghanistan

Four gunmen stormed into a Gurudwara in Kabul, 25 killed in this gory and diabolical nature terror attack.ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, India has condemned and raised concerns over this  ghastly act.It is clear that we can fight against corona virus and can vanquish this battle with the help of science,but human beings will continue to inflict barbarity upon each other. Afghan security forces took immediate action and gunned down all terrorists.Such brazen attacks on places of worships of minority communities at this time is reflective of the evil mindset of the perpetrators and their sponsors.Intelligence has information of PAK backed terrorists has done this in vengeance of Kashmir.Pakistan is aiding and abetting terror outfits on its soil and these terrorists attacks implies that U.S. and Taliban deal is not an arrangement of peace in Afghanistan.In the peace pact Taliban committed not to provide safe havens for any terror outfits,to break all the contacts and to eliminate all the flourishing  nearly 20 terror groups like Haqquani Network ,ISIS etc.on its soil.Taliban has claimed nothing to do with gurudwara attacks ,but actually Taliban's operational leadership is in the hands of Sirajuddin haqqani which is itself is accused of terror strikes on the Indian embassy in Kabul in 2008.Such types of developments are suspects  of any sinister scheme in this time round,so INDIA should keep vigil on these incidents. Pak is a rouge country and it will leave no stone unturned to harm minorities in Islamic countries.
UN secretary general have appealed to all the outfits in the war-torn country to stop conflicts and took all possible ceasefire meaures in all the territories around  the world, and raised serious concerns about covid-19 outbreak.Afghanistan's herat  has now become epicenter.In the current political impasse peace is elusive in Afghanistan. Once thriving but now decreasing number of Sikhs despite wide ranging persecution and atrocities ,living in their motherland needs to be protected,they are living in precarious condition .Hardliner Islamic countries are completely failed to make any respite for its minority communities nearly 2 lakh Sikhs have already fled from Afghanistan in four decades and governments indifference will force to migrate these 300 families to western countries or in India.Afghan's govt. Should take into account and should take all possible measures to stop persecutions of its minority communities because it's need of the hour.


Milan Tomic

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