'Theory Of Evolution' gives us a robust depiction and deep insight about our evolved 'traits' by natural selection and adoption, the human race has the most sophisticated, the most developed , the most evolved and well-equipped neural network amongst all creatures on the earth, this has empowered us to prove our supremacy over other creatures.For centuries now,  we humans have prided ourselves on being the most ‘evolved’ species and along with that taming other species according to our need and greed. On having superior intelligence which gained us mastery over the natural world, but such ‘mastery’ has actually meant a callousness and mercilessness towards nature and natural fabrics. Avowedly Considering other species ‘inferior’ beings, humans have unabashedly exploited them as a captive resource to an unprecedented level , assuming they exist only to serve us , because of human's vested interests Nature's well organised structure has been disturbed to a great extent.

Such exploitation comes with an astonishingly normalised brutality, which leads some flora and fauna on the verge of extinction and many more already are in IUCN's 'Red Data Book' . We  have grown unseeing to the anguish of  the animals and birds used in industrial farming, in fashion, in hermetic laboratories and chaotic wet markets, where thousands of  illegally captured rare species like Pangolins(a scaly mammal used as an aphrodisiac) ,wild animals and birds are tormented, tortured and then mercilessly killed. It is almost as if  we  humans believe  the well-being of  these beings doesn’t  matter for us. But that is outrightly erroneous , for the truth is, our well-being depends deeply on the well-being of  animals, birds and nature as a whole because all the are deeply intertwined with natural fabric. When different species live harmoniously in their natural habitats, there exist powerful barriers between us and deadly and fatal,  unknown viruses and pathogens.

Destroying the distances nature planned between species means opening our doors to such deadly diseases, otherwise kept away by nature’s fortifications — its hills and jungles, deserts and oceans, its icy glaciers and lush green rainforests. When we pollute and destroy these natural environs, and cruelly force their animals and birds into our habitations, we think we  are satiating our ‘evolved’ supremacy, is  a sham. But, in fact, we are only inviting catastrophe home.This current crisis now offers us a huge opportunity to think of our behaviour and to genuinely evolve, don't take it for granted. We must take this opportunity to learn live far more sustainable lives.To abjure cruelty to Earth’s many species.Times Evoke presents diverse aspects of such holistic planetary health, Global experts are providing many ways to redeem the natural fabric. Doing so can give us a second chance, one where we are truly evolved otherwise,we will see potentially devastating consequences at regular intervals.

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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