Post-Covid Era

What would happen after Covid 19 subsided? The whole world would see the emergence of new narratives,rampant surge and a sudden spike in discriminations in various forms, the world's panorama will be changed to a great extent same as it was changed after World War, 9/11 and after the recession in 2008.It is quite disturbing because discriminations spawn undesirable outcomes that can hinder global progress.The World could witness authoritarianism and dictatorship in various pockets of the globe.The Ideology of Protectionism, Conservatism and fundamentalism would be buttressed.Individuals privacy would be compromised that would be undoubtedly menacing for global world order.Globally, societies could become more self seeking and inward looking leading to further pushback against liberal policies regarding migration and refugees.The More stringent imposition of phytosanitary measures by advanced states and superpowers on products emanating from the less developed countries might become the new normal.

 Lockdowns and travel restrictions could potentially legitimise the rhetoric around border walls in more conservative countries.Recent attacks on WHO's impartiality and transparency have created a new wave of disruption.Within India too, there could be an emerging  trend towards discrimination, with‘social distancing’ producing undesirable social practices like it can bolster untouchability, regionalism, and can give a new lease of life to sectarian prejudices for instance  a Manipuri woman was spat on in Delhi by a man who called her “coronavirus”,and gated communities have discriminated against those in COVID19 quarantine, indicate a new age of discrimination.Puritan claims based on birth and class and the associated declarations about hygiene could become sharper.The more the virus persists, the deeper such practices would get.We already know what these practices feel like; it can only get worse from here.

Author: Ashutosh K Verma

Milan Tomic

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