The world has very few devices and techniques left to fight against COVID19, but technology remains indispensable in this battle against microscopic and deadly alien virus.Whether it is the employ of state of the art technology in the discovery of cures or vaccines,or traditional technological advancements to enhance health care sectors,or even tools that keep people at home occupied along with that productive as well.It is clear that technology will serve humanity at one of its darkest and apocalyptic moments.The looming spectre of thiis imminent health crisis has revealed the inadequacies of our cerebrum because till now we have not harnessed the vital aspect of available technologies in efficient way to get on with life in the time of unprecedented and unpredictable lockdown.
Wide range disaster and pandemics poses threats to human beings and creates milieu to face them existential crisis like.In this worldwide emergency it is imperative to create a robust technology to enhance alternatives,like Telemedicine.Telemedicine also referred to as "Telehealth" or "e-health" allows health care professionals or make them equipped with state of the art technology to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients in remote locations using telecommunications technology.Telemedicine allows patients in remote locations to access medical expertise quickly, efficiently and without travel in a jiffy which can reduce pecuniary burden to underprivileged.The digital transmission of medical imaging with the help of software enabled devices, remote medical diagnosis and evaluations, and video consultations with veterans of the respective fields are all examples of telemedicine.It can help in rural care and improving shortages of staffs.There are three main types of telemedicine, which include store-and-forward, remote monitoring and real-time interactive services. Each of these has a beneficial role to play in overall health care and, when utilized properly, can offer tangible benefits for both healthcare workers and patientss.Telemedicine allows patients in remote locations to access medical expertise quickly, efficiently and without travel.
The Centre’s recent guidelines allowing for widespread use of telemedicine services came as a shot in the arm for telehealth crusaders in the country,among them the Telemedicine Society of India that has long been battling to use the technology in its complete arc to reach rural and remote areas in India.This move is in consonance with the rest of the western world where several countries,also deeply impacted by the pandemic,have deployed telemedicine to reach people who have been unable to visit the hospital,to uphold the social distancing norms it is assertive to reduce footfalls in hospitals,and to even provide medical and mental health counselling to countless people in this need of the hour.It was way back in 2000 that telemedicine was first employed in India, but the progress has been unseemingly slow, until the pandemic.However,it does seem as if the medical community was only held back by the lack of legislation to enable tele consultations.For no sooner was the policy announced, than hospitals and clinicians hurried to jump onto the bandwagon,advertising contact information for patients.The advantages are peculiar in the current context,when putting distance between people is paramount,as tele consultations are not barred even when healthcare professionals and patients may have to be quarantined. The advancement of telecommunication capabilities over the years has made the transmission of images and sound files heart and lung sounds,coughs faster and simpler.Pilot telemedicine experiments in ophthalmology and psychiatry have proven to be of immense benefit to the communities.Telemedicine’s time is here, finally.While unleashing the full potential of telemedicine to help people,experts and government agencies must be mindful of the possible inadequacies of the medium, and securing sensitive medical information; such cognisance should guide the use of the technology.
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